
Want to learn more about climate change? Click here…

Want to learn more about climate change? Click here…
28 April 2022

By the Climate Centre

The IFRC this week announced the publication of its new e-learning course Red Alert: What is climate change and what can we do about it? (register).

The course builds on the crowdsourced expertise of specialists in climate, advocacy, resilience and disaster management from National Societies, the IFRC secretariat, the Climate Centre and Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance partners.

It’s free on the IFRC E-Learning Platform and at least 650 people have already taken it.

The course takes roughly four hours in average, but students go at their own pace, working their way through modules on science, advocacy and climate action; each includes video lectures, exercises, key resources, a Q&A and a quiz.

The course also includes material from the Climate Centre’s own Climate Training Kit, which was updated in 2019.