
Can you think of any art form that embodies risk as compellingly as aerial acrobatics?  Like pilots in the civil aviation sector, trapeze performers, professional jugglers, and circus artists are remarkably skilled at understanding, foreseeing, and managing what can go wrong… How can disaster managers learn from their talent and creativity?

The Climate Centre has been working with diverse partners to harness the power of acrobatics and circus arts to nurture inspiration and action on changing climate risks. For example, with the World Bank, the Lloyd’s Register Foundation and the Circocan International School of Circus we have contributed two unconventional sessions at the UR2022 “Understanding Risk” Forum, and with the Anticipation Hub we have distilled insights for anticipatory action in this 5-minute video.

29/11/2022 – Florianópolis, SC – Understanding Risk Forum 2022 – Foto: Guilherme Santos / Trovoa Filmes