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Highlights of the Summit 2021

Climate Centre Annual Report 2022
[…] Fund DRR Disaster risk reduction EAP Early action protocol ECHO European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross IFRC International Fe deration of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies ILO International Labour Organization IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change MENA Middle East and North Africa NDC (Partnership) Nationally […]

[…] funds are complex but still evolving. Additionally, many other donors are increasingly supporting climate change work among vulnerable communities (including foundations, the private sector, and research bo dies). High-income countries A growing number of industrialized countries are beginning to address climate change risks at the national level: some countries are already investing tens of […]

CC_AR_2018_text + finances single_corr aug 2020(1)
[…] action. Much-needed impetus emerged last year from the Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA), however, and we hope there’ll be more this year from the UN climate sum mit in September. In 2019, we will continue our high-level engagement to spur increased ambition and commitments in resilience, embracing local perspectives and action in the context […]

Annual Report 2021 The three C’s: Covid, climate, conflict Annual Report 2021 The three C’s: Covid, climate, conflict Cover: ‘Dalí Surreal’ cardboard theatre depicts a future un der extreme temperatures (Hameed Khan and Eugenia Rojo, with support from Lloyd’s Register Foundation) The three C’s: Covid, climate, conflict Annual Report 2021 3 4 Acronyms 5 […]

[…] reduction of our own carbon footprint though the Virtually Amazing tools featured here. One of the highlights of the virtual year, indeed, was the IFRC Climate:Red Sum mit that demonstrated our ability to link global ambition to local action, harnes sing the power of volunteers on the front lines of risk. And it was […]

Annual Report 2018
[…] action. Much-needed impetus emerged last year from the Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA), however, and we hope there’ll be more this year from the UN climate sum mit in September. In 2019, we will continue our high-level engagement to spur increased ambition and commitments in resilience, embracing local perspectives and action in the context […]

9 RU When rain turns to dust. Understanding and responding to the combined impact of armed conflicts and the climate and environment crisis on p
[…] видов деятельности 14. Конфликт, отсутствие безопасности и напряженность , вызванная изменением характера сезонного перемещения скота вместе с кочевым населением , ослабили продовольственную и экономическую безопасность сельского 14 UNDP 2019 II. FACING CONFLICT AND A CHANGING CLIMATE, FROM THE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC TO IRAQ AND MALI 27 населения, которое и так с трудом удовлетворяло свои […]

Annual Report 2014
[…] Report bb 3.b The Red Cross Red Crescent and the One Billion Coalition for Resilience b4 3.3 Shaping the policy environment b4 3.4 The UN Climate Sum mit in New York b5 3.5 COP b0 and Development and Climate Days b6 4. Learning, research andf analysis 30 4.1 Learning for climate-smart resilience on the […]

RCRC Climate & Youth Summit (6)
[…] IT Y P R EP A RED N ESS E N GA GEM EN T TO OL NATA YA B RA N DJE R PO RN Com mit te e M em ber, R ed C ro ss Q ueen sla n d Y ou th A dvis o ry C om mit te […]

Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction a guide
[…] injur y or other health impacts, proper ty damage, loss of livelihoods and ser v ices, social and economic disr upt ion, or env iron- mental damage. Mitigationb– The lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters. Preparednessb – The knowledge and capacit ies developed by gover nment s, professional […]

EWEA WCAZ-Evaluation
[…] suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mu- tual un derstanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples. Impartiality It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, reli- gious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavours […]

Annual Report 2013
[…] International Development DRR Disaster risk reduction EC European Commission EMR Ecosystem management and restoration GEF Global Environment Facility GFCS Global Framework for Climate Services ICRC International Com mittee of the Red Cross IDAMS International Research Consortium on Dengue Risk Assessment IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies IIED International Institute for […]

Annual Report 2017
Annual Report 2017

Annual Report 2017
Annual Report 2017

CC_AR_2017_complete web single V10
CC_AR_2017_complete web single V10

CC_AR_2019_text + finances V3(1)
CC_AR_2019_text + finances V3(1)

RCCC – Country profiles-Syria_2024_final
[…] have caused negative impacts. Increasing temperatures with associated increased water demand and evaporation are likely drivers of increased water scarcity (Selby et. al., 2017). • Several stu dies suggest that both the frequency and intensity of hydrological and agricultural droughts, especially near the Mediterranean Sea, will increase as global temperatures rise and water demand […]

Early Warning Early Action An Evaluation of IFRC West and Central Africa Zone Flood Preparedness and Response, 2008
Early Warning Early Action An Evaluation of IFRC West and Central Africa Zone Flood Preparedness and Response, 2008

Climate attribution work in MIT review ten ‘breakthrough technologies’ for 2020

26 February 2020
[…] role of climate change in this complex event, and aim to have results in early March. For press information about the study, please contact The prestigious MIT Technology Review today presented its ten “breakthrough technologies” for this year, with the climate attribution work in which the IFRC’s specialist Climate Centre is a partner among them. “For […]

Climate Profiles of Countries in Southern Africa (Malawi)
Climate Profiles of Countries in Southern Africa (Malawi)

RCRC Climate & Youth Summit 2022 (2)
RCR C C LIM ATE & Y O U TH SU M MIT 2 022 DEC EM BER 2 0 22IF R C Y outh C om mis sio n R CR C C lim ate C en tr e T H AN KS T O :# RCCLIM ATEY O UTH H IG H […]

RCRC Climate & Youth Summit 2022 (1)
RCR C C LIM ATE & Y O U TH SU M MIT 2 022 DEC EM BER 2 0 22IF R C Y outh C om mis sio n R CR C C lim ate C en tr e T H AN KS T O :# RCCLIM ATEY O UTH H IG H […]

Annual Report 2005
[…] in respect of travelling and representations costs they incurred. The Hague, 30 June 2006 Board of Governors Mr R.W. Welschen, Chairman Mr M.L. Hofstra, Treasurer Mrs E.M. von Oelreich, Member of the board Mr I.M. Osman, Member of the board Information and awareness (10) Actual 2005 Budget 2005 General operating costs  Personnel expenses  Salaries  […]

Invitation for Quotation CCM
Invitation for Quotation CCM

RCCC – ICRC Country profiles-Iraq
[…] (with a special focus on energy subsidy reform) , 2018. -WP- PUBLIC-P163016-Iraq-Economic-Monitor-text-Spring-2018-4-18-18web.pdf World Food Programme (WFP). Iraq: Comprehensive food security and vulnerability analysis, 2016. api/documents/WFP-0000023781/ download/?_ga=2.22580859.1509323106.1599140184-915310783.1599140184 WFP. Iraq socio-economic atlas , 2019. World Health Organization (WHO). Cholera – Iraq: Disease outbreak news , 2015. november-2015-iraq-cholera/en/ World Health Organization, Eastern Mediterranean […]

Annual Report 2012
[…] Framework for Climate Services GFDRR Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery GPDRR Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction HRM Health Risk Management (project) ICRC International Com mittee of the Red Cross IDAMS International Research Consortium on Dengue Risk Assessment IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on […]

RCCC – Country profiles-Jordan 2022
RCCC – Country profiles-Jordan 2022

Annual Report 2019
Annual Report 2019

AW_RCCC_WP8_Suarez and al v3
[…] fourth used to enable learning and dialogue on L&D at the 2013 UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) in Warsaw. Section 5 discusses some of the li mitations of game-enabled processes, and reflects why landmark instruments such as the HFA+ and the Warsaw Mechanism for Loss & Damage should consider serious games as enabl […]

[…] a mpEc o _S ub ag e nt>< a mp Ag e ntR ef ere nce> 5 00 1</ a mp Ag e ntR ef ere nce>< der Op era tor>E th a n T o bi n</ der Op era tor><a mp Profil eID>AF X 0 5 8 81</ a mpPr ofileI D><a […]

Climate Change Take Action Now!
[…] the mdefining challenge of our erma. Twenty years from nomw, let our children mand grandb children look backm upon this day and msay: ‘Yes, that is where mit began.’ A revolution. A turninmg point. A moment whmen we turned away fmrom a past that no longer workms toward a more equmitable and prospermous future." […]

[…] representation or warrantb ( express or implied) is given as to the accuracb or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent per mitted bb law, the entities managing the deliverb of the Climate and Development Knowledge Network do not accept or assume anb liabilitb, responsibilitb or dutb of care […]

RCCC – Country profiles-Egypt_2024_final
[…] Reduction 2030 is the key DRM strategy in Egypt. The NSDRR outlines a comprehensive multi-level institutional framework to im plement the strategy, involving the Crisis Management Com mittee, National Committee for Crisis /Disaster Management, and various government and non-government entities. This doc ument is a reformulation and update of the country’s previous strategy from […]

Community-based Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) in the Tuvalu
[…] Acknowledgements Research Team: The team was made up of researchers from the Tuvalu Red Cross Society (TRCS), University of the South Pacific (USP) and the International Fe deration of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) as well as experts from the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and the University of Oxford’s internship […]

detailed programme final 1
[…] EMPOWERED R ed C ro ss R ed C re sc e n t C li m ate a n d Y O Uth S u m mit 2 0 23 D eta ile d P ro gra m me 01 02 03 04 15 m in ute s e ssio n s 45 […]

Annual Report 2009
[…] Commission Humanitarian Office DRR Disaster Risk Reduction DP Disaster Preparedness EW>EA Early Warning > Early Action GISS Goddard Institute for Space Studies IASC Inter Agency Standing Com mittee ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross IFRC International Federation of RC/RC Societies IRI International Research Institute for Climate and Society NRC Netherlands Red Cross NGO […]

[…] cal infrastructure, generating new systemic risks (Oppenheimer et al. 2015). To tackle these emerging systemic risks, SP systems and their usability in urban contexts can be consi dered. In urban areas, a number of meteorological hazards are now likely to occ ur more often than in the past, and possibly with greater intensity. Most […]

RCCC – ICRC Country profiles-Region_Centra_Asia
[…] countries is 4,003,451 square kilometres (km 2) (1,545,741 square miles (sq m)) and the largest water body in this region is the Caspian Sea, which is bor dered by Kazakhstan and T urkmenistan. According to latest statistics, Central Asia has a total population of a pproximately 72 million people: Kazakhstan (18 million people), Kyrgyzstan […]

Climate change impacts on health and livelihoods-NEPAL assessment_April 2021
[…] Deputy Director; Surakshya Poudel, Program Coordinator, Nepal Red Cross Society; Dr Sameer Adhikari, Chief, Multi-sector Coordination, Ministry of Health and population; Mr Rishi Raj Acharya , Un der Secretary, Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MoFAGA): Environment and Disaster Risk Management Section; Mr Bednidhi Khanal, Under Secretary, NDRRMA (National Disaster Risk Reduction and […]

RCCC – ICRC Country profiles-Region_The_Americas
[…] resides in tropical latitudes and t apers off towards the higher latitudes. Due to its shape, the large regional climates are driven prim arily by the bor dering oceans as well as the Intertropical Convergence Zone – a band of low pressure around the Earth, which generally lies near to the equator; and the […]

RCCC_Urban climate risks, briefing note
[…] cal infrastructure, generating new systemic risks (Oppenheimer et al. 2015). To tackle these emerging systemic risks, SP systems and their usability in urban contexts can be consi dered. In urban areas, a number of meteorological hazards are now likely to occ ur more often than in the past, and possibly with greater intensity. Most […]

Loss and damage in a changing climate
[…] fourth used to enable learning and dialogue on L&D at the 2013 UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) in Warsaw. Section 5 discusses some of the li mitations of game-enabled processes, and reflects why landmark instruments such as the HFA+ and the Warsaw Mechanism for Loss & Damage should consider serious games as enabl […]

Climate Centre Policy Handbook May 2022.docx
RED CROSS RED CRESCE NT CLIMATE CENTRE POLIC Y HANDBOOK DocuSign Envelope ID: 2C62EEE2-C94B-4300-A679-07810F2F795C 1 Climate Centre Policy Handbook ( May 2022) Document Authorization Stakehol der Name Position Signature Date approved Author Karin van der Laan HR Advisor Document Approva l Julie A rrighi Associate Director 20 October 2022 Index (pg 1) Definitions (pg […]

Climate Centre Policy Handbook June 2023 signed
RED CROSS RED CRESCENT CLIMATE CENTRE POLICY HANDBOOK DocuSign Envelope ID: 7E5EB3A9-6FCC-4B1F-AD88-4200D6B34541 1 Climate Centre Policy Handbook ( June 202 3) Document Authorization Stakehol der Name Position Signature Date approved Author Karin van der Laan HR Advisor Document Approva l Carina Bachofen Interim Director June 2023 Document Approva l Julie Arrighi Interim Director June […]