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Efforts by UNFCCC to further link DRR and CCA

July 15, 2010
Here is information on how Parties to the UNFCCC have been responding to this call […]

Experts say climate threat could nullify help given to poorest nations

July 15, 2010
Speaking at a Carnegie Endowment for International Peace panel discussion assessing progress on the poverty-reduction […]

Mangroves Report Reveals Threats & Opportunities to Global Economy & the Planet

July 14, 2010
‘World Mangrove Atlas’ highlights the importance of and threats to mangroves July 14, 2010, London/Nairobi […]

Newsletter Issue 16

July 1, 2010
Partners for Resilience Second Phase of the Preparedness for Climate Change Programme up and running […]

Statement Lina Nerlander at 63rd World Health Assembly

June 1, 2010
Broaden partnership and enhance preparedness to cope with the health effects of climate change Statement […]

Red Cross prepares for one of the most active hurricane seasons

May 31, 2010
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (International Federation) is ready to […]

Technical Support by the Climate Centre

May 1, 2010
What the RC/RC Climate centre can do for the RC/RC Partners The Red Cross/Red Crescent […]

Climate related stakeholders and questions to ask them

April 20, 2010
As humanitarian workers, we need to know more about who is doing what on climate […]

Newsletter Issue 15

March 31, 2010
Copenhagen Climate Summit: Disappointment, but not all is lost Preparedness for Climate Change Programme Phase […]

Q&A on climate change and disasters

February 23, 2010
Is there an increase in disasters? There is an increase in disasters. All statistics tell […]

The Gathering Storm

February 11, 2010
The Gathering Storm – the human cost of climate change IRIN Films, in association with […]

COP-15 video posted by NOAA and IRI

February 10, 2010
The IRI, IFRC and Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre have made a short video on […]

Climate change and coordination

February 2, 2010
In this statement we will be outlining some aspects of the work the IFRC and […]

Youth blog posted on Reuters alert

December 18, 2009
The youth blog that senior programme officer and youth specialist Rebecca McNaught posted on the […]

Our World-Your Move blog

December 4, 2009
The campaign focuses on 14 humanitarian challenges, one of which is climate change. Recently, Rebecca […]

Newsletter, Issue 14

October 27, 2009
UNFCCC COP15 in Copenhagen El Niño, October 2009 Preparedness for Climate Change Climate change and […]

INDONESIA: Climate change worsening disasters, says UN

October 16, 2009
Climate change is contributing to more frequent and deadlier natural disasters, and governments need to […]

Update on penultimate round of UNFCCC negotiations

September 30, 2009
Wealthy nations are dragging their feet on committing money to help developing countries adapt to […]

The G20 to lay foundations for bold action on climate change

September 25, 2009
If necessity is the mother of invention, we should be looking forward to a breathtakingly […]

In brief: Climate-related disasters force 20 million out of homes in 2008

September 24, 2009
Climate related natural disasters like droughts, hurricanes and floods forced 20 million people – slightly […]

Just a small step in the right direction

September 23, 2009
In words, world leaders expressed will to combat global warming with a global treaty at […]

Obama’s speech on climate change

September 23, 2009
Good morning. I want to thank the Secretary-General for organizing this summit, and all the […]


September 4, 2009
Geneva,  World Climate Conference-3 (WCC-3), which has brought together from 31 August to 4 September […]

Albania to Zimbabwe: the climate change risk list

September 2, 2009
PARIS, Sept 2, 2009 (AFP) – Africa and much of south Asia face extreme risk […]

Red Cross responds as typhoon Morakot cuts across East Asia

August 10, 2009
Typhoon Morakot has made landfall on China’s south east coast having cut a swathe of […]

Climate change information for the poor

July 5, 2009
Under-resourced media are failing rural people in developing countries, who are most vulnerable to climate […]

Youth declaration

July 2, 2009
To mark the 150th anniversary of the battle of Solferino and to highlight Red Cross […]

Southern Africa: Climate proofing the Zambezi

June 29, 2009
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has launched a USD$ […]

Climate change: the ultimate early warning

June 16, 2009
To many people enduring its effects worldwide, the global economic crisis must have felt like […]

Early warning early action: An evaluation of IFRC West and Central Africa Zone flood preparedness and response 2008

June 1, 2009
The report was researched and written by Lisette Braman, Technical Advisor with the Red Cross […]

Building gendered approaches to adaptation in the Pacific

March 15, 2009
This article reflects upon how gendered approaches to climate-change adaptation can be strengthened in the […]

Bridging the gap: integrating climate change and disaster risk reduction

November 26, 2008
By Bec McNaught (Senior Programme Officer RC/RC Climate Centre) Summary The climate is changing and […]

Early Warning, Early Action

August 17, 2008
An Evaluation of IFRC West and Central Africa Zone Flood Preparedness and Response, 2008

The Climate Guide

November 1, 2007
The Climate Guide details five years experience from staff and volunteers working in more than […]

Annual Report 2006

March 1, 2007
Addressing the humanitarian consequences of climate change