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UN: Climate-related disasters increase more than 80% over last four decades

October 13, 2020
Extreme-weather events have increased dramatically and now dominate the disaster landscape in the 21st century, […]

With heatwave impacts eating city budgets, insurers seeking ways to reduce financial risks

October 7, 2020
(This story appeared first on Monday on the website of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. It […]

IFRC-Vice Media tie-in highlights gravity of multiple crises facing South Asia

October 6, 2020
(The photos from Bangladeh and India used in the Vice Media story can be downloaded […]

Adaptation Futures webinar on the future of climate information and early warning

October 5, 2020
At last week’s 6th International Climate Adaptation Conference, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the IFRC […]

Blog: Asia-Pacific youth are the ‘disaster representatives in their communities and have the tools to help’

October 5, 2020
“During the Covid-19 lockdown and social distancing, awareness programmes on climate change were put on […]

Climate change (and some KMs from the ICRC) in 8 cartoons

September 28, 2020
Key messages from the ICRC’s recent report on conflict and climate, When Rain Turns to […]

IFRC study: Twin crises of climate-related disasters and Covid-19 affecting more than 50 million people

September 24, 2020
(This story is a press release first issued by the IFRC in Geneva and New […]

Solomon Islands early-action rainfall workshop

September 23, 2020
The Climate Centre earlier this month remotely contributed technical and humanitarian input at a two-day […]

Ecuador Red Cross assists residents threatened by volcanic ash

September 22, 2020
(This story is an IFRC press release issued earlier today. It has been edited slightly […]

Opinion: No choice but to address humanitarian impacts of Covid and climate at the same time

September 21, 2020
(This contribution from IFRC President Francesco Rocca first aired on Al Jazeera English on Saturday. […]

‘There are visible signs of climate change at practically every turn in this environment’

September 16, 2020
(This story is an ICRC statement issued yesterday in Geneva in English and French, together […]

Smoke from US wildfires reaches Europe – ‘massive relief effort’ by American Red Cross

September 15, 2020
Smoke from the wildfires in the western United States has reached the Netherlands, according to […]

IFRC launches emergency appeal for Sudanese floods ‘unprecedented in magnitude’

September 15, 2020
(This story is an IFRC press release issued in Nairobi and Geneva Friday; it has […]

Blog: Keeping workshop participants on their ‘virtual toes’ at Climate:Red session on training

September 14, 2020
Building capacity virtually is here to stay, and interactive methodologies can keep participants virtually on […]

‘Incredibly inspiring’ Climate:Red Summit closes with a princess and a king (of bhangra)

September 11, 2020
IFRC Secretary General Jagan Chapagain yesterday thanked the Norwegian, Finnish, Italian and British Red Cross and […]

Climate Action: Examples from the Red Cross Red Crescent Partners

September 9, 2020
This document showcases a wide range of concrete examples over a decade of climate action […]

Humanitarians facing a ‘super-storm’ of needs can use cartoons to create a ‘simple sense of existence’

September 9, 2020
“There are many ways to serve. But maybe one good way is to use cartoons […]

Opinion: Red Cross Red Crescent makes history with global virtual climate summit

September 9, 2020
By Maarten Van Aalst, Climate Centre Director IT’S PERHAPS a bit of a cliché to […]

IFRC’s first-ever virtual climate summit, Climate:Red, ‘happening everywhere’

September 9, 2020
(This story is an IFRC press release issued yesterday in Geneva. It has been edited […]

IFRC increases emergency ‘forecast-based action’ cap by 40%

September 2, 2020
The IFRC late last month raised the maximum grant for forecast-based action within the Disaster […]

Climate-related extreme weather events and Covid-19

September 1, 2020
A first look at the number of people affected by intersecting disasters.

New Red Cross Red Crescent-UK Met Office guide to ‘impact-based forecasting’ for early humanitarian action

September 1, 2020
Without determined and ambitious action on climate, 200 million people a year could need international […]

New research could make it easier to predict path of devastating megastorms

August 20, 2020
New research will make it easier to predict the path of some of the world’s […]

New online guidance on cash and social protection in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

August 18, 2020
The online information hub for humanitarian cash assistance hosted by the British Red Cross has now […]

US scientists: Last month in the Northern Hemisphere the hottest ever recorded, Arctic sea ice the lowest

August 17, 2020
July 2020 was the hottest month ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere, breaking the previous […]

Registration open for Climate:Red Summit next month

August 14, 2020
Registration is open for the Climate:Red Summit on 9 and 10 September, the IFRC Solferino […]

17.5 million affected by floods and threatened by disease in South Asia

August 7, 2020
(This story is an IFRC press release issued yesterday in Dhaka and Kuala Lumpur.) Monsoon […]

Climate Centre joins new global alliance against heatwave ‘silent killers’

August 4, 2020
The Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center and 30 global partners including the Climate […]

Red Cross calls on people to check on neighbours and loved ones during dangerous heatwave

July 30, 2020
(This story is an IFRC press release issued yesterday in Budapest and Geneva that also […]

Humanitarian crisis worsens from South Asia floods as nearly 10m people affected

July 24, 2020
(This story is an IFRC press release issued Wednesday in Kuala Lumpur, Delhi, Dhaka, Kathmandu […]

Indonesian Red Cross welcomes progress on government and PfR road map for addressing land subsidence

July 20, 2020
Further progress has been made in discussions involving Indonesia’s Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment […]

Forecast-based action a ‘bright spot in a bleak humanitarian outlook’

July 17, 2020
UN humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock has welcomed the forecast-based action that recently enabled several UN […]

Ecuador volcano eruption puts Red Cross observers through their paces

July 14, 2020
Last month’s eruption of the Sangay volcano in Ecuador provided Red Cross volunteers with an […]

‘Unusually heavy’ monsoon highlights importance for public safety of national met service warnings, says WMO

July 13, 2020
“Unusually heavy” monsoon rainfall and flooding affecting many parts of Asia has again highlighted the […]

ICRC report: Climate change and conflict are a cruel combination stalking the world’s most vulnerable

July 9, 2020
(This story is an ICRC press release issued earlier today. The new report is accompanied […]

‘Combine human, animal and environmental health to prevent pandemics’

July 8, 2020
A rise in zoonotic diseases that jump from animal hosts to humans is being driven […]

‘A humanitarian recipe for a green, resilient and inclusive recovery from Covid-19’

July 6, 2020
IFRC writers Friday put forward a three-part framework for ensuring that recovery from the global Covid-19 […]

New research flags potential for extending forecast-based humanitarian action to drought

July 1, 2020
The humanitarian implications of droughts are profound and far-reaching, but traditionally the humanitarian role has […]

IFRC: Early action to save lives in Bangladesh amid severe flood forecast

June 30, 2020
(This story is an IFRC press release issued earlier today in Dhaka, Kuala Lumpur and […]

Climate Centre launches new podcast series with a detailed look at heatwaves

June 30, 2020
The Climate Centre today launches a new multimedia resource for the humanitarian sector, podcasts, with […]

‘Why disaster preparedness cannot wait’

June 28, 2020
(This article appeared first on Friday on the Project Syndicate comment website.) The world has […]

UN: Failure of governance at the heart of global crises

June 23, 2020
The UN Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction, Mami Mizutori, last week said there is […]

International Energy Agency Covid recovery plan that avoids ‘rebound in emissions’

June 22, 2020
The International Energy Agency on Thursday presented a three-year plan for economic recovery from the […]

Acting early in a time of pandemic: the challenge of being ready for extreme weather during Covid-19

June 18, 2020
(A longer version of this article appeared last week as part of a series of […]

IFRC issues urban heatwave guide for Red Cross Red Crescent city branches

June 18, 2020
The IFRC and Climate Centre today released their new City Heatwave Guide for Red Cross […]

Red Cross Red Crescent to be represented on global partnership assisting countries with climate commitments

June 17, 2020
The global NDC Partnership – launched during COP 22 in Marrakech in 2016 – last […]

Fostering anticipatory action on floods through social protection in Nepal

June 16, 2020
(This story summarizes a master’s thesis by Sabrina Desroches which is also a Climate Centre […]

Attribution scientists’ note-to-self: focus more on developing world (and look beyond patchy climate data)

June 3, 2020
Lack of good historical observations and verifiable climate models as well as a “significant bias […]

IFRC report: Climate adaptation and risk reduction share fundamental goals

June 2, 2020
(A version of this story ran first last month on the website of Ireland’s University […]

Global partnership on heat and health urges better preparation for Northern Hemisphere summer amid pandemic precautions

May 26, 2020
(A longer version of this story first ran earlier today on the GHHIN website.) An […]

WMO updating guidelines on impact-based forecasting, incorporating humanitarian input

May 25, 2020
The World Meteorological Organization says it will later this year issue updated guidance on impact-based […]

East Africa: Red Cross raises the alarm over ‘triple menace’ of floods, COVID and locusts

May 22, 2020
(This story is an IFRC press release issued in Nairobi and Geneva on Wednesday, slightly […]

In Uganda, PfR-supported agricultural extension helps farmers through lockdown headaches

May 21, 2020
Farmers in Uganda’s Otuke district say climate-centred agricultural extension supported by CARE as part of […]

Maputo: National adaption planning and cities

May 20, 2020
The Climate Centre working with partners under FRACTAL has led the process of having cities […]

IFRC emergency assistance for Cyclone Amphan includes second-ever use of emergency early-action fund

May 20, 2020
The IFRC has been preparing for a major humanitarian response with Cyclone Amphan – described […]

Opinion: In our multi-hazard warming world, how do we ‘build back better’ after COVID?

May 19, 2020
On the Thursday before last, at pretty much the exact moment I was sitting down […]

IFRC-Climate Centre ‘cartoonathon’ participants ask: after COVID will the new-normal stick?

May 18, 2020
An IFRC cartoonathon earlier this month drew more than 150 people from at least 60 countries […]

National Societies formally invited to ‘Climate:Red’ summit in September

May 15, 2020
IFRC Secretary General Jagan Chapagain today formally invited all National Societies to join the fully […]

Research: Potentially lethal combinations of heat and humidity double since 1979

May 12, 2020
New research published Friday in the journal Science Advances is believed to be the first […]

COVID-19 pandemic reveals ‘just how vulnerable people are worldwide to unexpected crises – and work needed to improve resilience’

May 11, 2020
(This story appeared first on Thursday the website of the Thomson Reuters Foundation.) In the […]

Push for ‘resilient societies’ and a carbon-neutral Europe central outcome from EU’s PLACARD project

May 11, 2020
The PLACARD project – which is funded by the European Commission as part of its […]

European summer heatwaves the most lethal disaster of 2019, says international research group

May 5, 2020
A new report on 2019 from the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters […]

First virtual climate-services meeting for Pacific is ‘important heads-up for water resources and COVID preparation’

May 4, 2020
The sixth Pacific Island Climate Outlook Forum (PICOF) was held virtually late last month, ushering […]

Global IDP numbers at ‘all-time high’ from conflict and extreme weather

May 4, 2020
The new Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID), published last week, says the number of […]

Petersberg Climate Dialogue: ‘The highest cost is the cost of doing nothing’

May 4, 2020
The 11th international Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin last week heard a renewed call from […]

FbF potential in Africa boosted by new reporting points on rivers in four countries

April 23, 2020
Fifty-one new reporting-points – including 24 in Kenya, the first there – came online for […]

UNSG: We must act decisively to protect our planet from coronavirus and existential threat of climate disruption

April 22, 2020
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres today put forward six climate-related actions to shape recovery from […]

Sir John Houghton, climate scientist, 1931–2020

April 20, 2020
(This story was updated on 21 April after confirmation of Sir John Houghton’s COVID diagnosis.) […]

‘Virus-hit Asian nations brace for double disasters as extreme weather looms’

April 20, 2020
(This story appeared first on Thursday on the website of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. It […]

Climate Centre launches minisite for resources

April 16, 2020
The Climate Centre today launches a minisite offering a comprehensive set of tools and assistance […]

Scientists say biodiversity loss from climate change could be very sudden and affect hundreds of millions by 2040

April 14, 2020
New research on climate impacts and global biodiversity published last week in the journal Nature […]

‘Island nations struggle to manage deadly Cyclone Harold while trying to stave off pandemic’

April 9, 2020
(This story first ran yesterday on the website of the Thomson Reuters Foundation; it has […]

PfR launches documentary series on resilience work in the Philippines

April 8, 2020
A series of three new feature-length documentary films on PfR’s work in the Philippines, commissioned […]

IFRC and Climate Centre contributions to UNDRR’s new guide

April 7, 2020
The UN today launched its Words into Action publication that involved the IFRC as one of […]

Early warning early action in the Pacific for Tropical Cyclone Harold

April 6, 2020
The IFRC yesterday issued an “imminent crisis” cash grant of just over 50,000 Swiss francs […]

Red Cross and Red Crescent appeals for 800m Swiss francs to assist world’s most vulnerable people in fight against COVID-19

March 27, 2020
(To help maximize the audience for this crucial Movement appeal we’re cross-posting the joint ICRC-IFRC […]

‘There are too many pressures on our natural systems and something has to give’

March 26, 2020
The long-term response to coronavirus “must tackle habitat and biodiversity loss,” according to the Executive […]

UN couples international observance days for water and meteorology to raise profile of climate issue

March 23, 2020
United Nations agencies have this year coupled two special days to highlight that one of […]

‘As the climate heats up, planners urged to look beyond history to judge risks’

March 19, 2020
(This story appeared first yesterday on the website of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. It has […]

Blog: Humanity must unite to beat coronavirus and climate change

March 17, 2020
(In a blog that appeared first on the Climate Home website last week, IIED Director […]

‘Meeting without flying’: Beat coronavirus reduce your carbon footprint

March 13, 2020
There are now not one but two very compelling reasons to “fly less”, as the […]

Thousands of Mozambicans still vulnerable to recurrent disasters a year on from Cyclone Idai

March 11, 2020
(This story is an IFRC press release issued earlier today in Beira, Nairobi and Geneva.)  […]

Partners for Resilience, faces of resilience: multimedia exhibition closes in The Hague

March 11, 2020
A month-long multimedia exhibition graphically illustrating both climate impacts in the developing world and potential […]

New Movement ambitions on climate

March 6, 2020
The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement late last month published details of its collective ambitions […]

Scientists find significant climate influence in Australia’s recent fire weather – it could get ‘four times as frequent’ with 2°C global warming

March 4, 2020
Climate change increased the chance of the “extreme fire weather” witnessed in Australia over the […]

Climate attribution work in MIT review ten ‘breakthrough technologies’ for 2020

February 26, 2020
(Note to media: After one of the worst fire seasons in decades in Australia, with […]

With heatwave danger expected to grow, USAID adds technical detail to Red Cross Red Crescent guide for city officials

February 24, 2020
The United States Agency for International Development last week released four companion guides to the […]

‘To survive disaster plan for the worst’

February 21, 2020
An opinion piece in the New York Times Wednesday argued that, “If disasters take us […]

Blog: #WUF10 (cities) through a climate lens

February 17, 2020
This year’s session of the World Urban Forum (WUF 10) in Abu Dhabi, the tenth, […]

Record flood-warnings in effect as UK battered by second severe storm in a week

February 17, 2020
The UK authorities this weekend had more individual flood warnings in force for England than […]

Full house for latest conflict-climate round table in New York

February 17, 2020
There was a full house on Friday at the Belgian mission to the UN for […]

Blog: Geoengineering – there may be trouble ahead

February 14, 2020
(This blog appeared first last week on the website of the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative. […]

Mapping social protection in future-climate scenarios

February 12, 2020
The first of a series of expert meetings for 2020 on social protection options in […]

Blog: The future is now – time to scale up climate mitigation and adaptation measures

February 6, 2020
(This story appeared first on the ICRC blog site earlier today. It has been edited […]

Red Cross Red Crescent scientists at IPCC lead authors’ meeting

February 4, 2020
IPCC scientists Saturday ended a week-long consultation in Faro, Portugal on the Working Group II […]

Annual Report 2019

February 1, 2020
The year of ambition. Find our multimedia report here.

Climate change aggravating ‘world’s most under-reported disasters’

January 31, 2020
A new report from CARE International says the African continent was the setting for all […]

UN: Prepare for ‘millions’ more climate displaced

January 27, 2020
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said last week the world needs to prepare […]

‘Whatever the weather – Southern Africa tries new hunger fixes’

January 23, 2020
(This story appeared first yesterday on the website of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. It has […]

International scientists launch climate attribution study of Australian bushfires as smoke ‘circles the globe’

January 17, 2020
Climate scientists from the World Weather Attribution group were this week beginning a study of […]
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