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Early warning for waves helping to build resilience in Tuvalu

May 7, 2019
(This story appeared first last week on the website of the Secretariat of the Pacific […]

UN praises ‘almost pinpoint accuracy’ of forecast-based warnings, with clean-up underway in India and Bangladesh from Cyclone Fani

May 6, 2019
The UN and local media have praised the accuracy of the forecast-based warnings that kept […]

IFRC: One of the strongest storms to strike the Indian subcontinent in decades makes landfall

May 3, 2019
(This story first appeared on the IFRC news site earlier today.) Cyclone Fani, one of […]

Green Climate Fund looking for ‘last mile’ project proposals (like FbF)

May 3, 2019
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) says it’s looking for more project proposals that incorporate the […]

New papers highlight potential of social protection in managing climate risk

May 1, 2019
The IFRC together with the United Nations children’s agency Unicef and the UK Department for […]

Hong Kong Red Cross explores the ‘climate message’ through games

May 1, 2019
The Climate Centre last week facilitated a three-day training session on climate games for the […]

Second Mozambique cyclone: is history pointing finger at climate change?

May 1, 2019
The IFRC yesterday said lives are still at risk in the far north of Mozambique […]

A ‘mega event of ideas’ in Pakistan for tackling climate change

April 24, 2019
The Pakistan Red Crescent Society and the German Red Cross Monday announced the results of […]

IFRC at centenary climate and health conference in Cannes: a call for ‘inspiration, resolve, leadership’

April 17, 2019
The major global conference on climate and health organized by the French Red Cross in […]

‘We don’t want 2 degrees. We want 1.5 or we will become the nomads of the Pacific. Our home, our paradise, will disappear’

April 15, 2019
The major global conference on climate and health organized by the French Red Cross has got […]

The first ‘humanitarian COP’

April 12, 2019
(Editors: an IFRC media advisory to mark this occasion was issued yesterday in Cannes and Geneva.) […]

CBA13: ‘We want dignified communities, self-reliant communities able to solve their own climate issues’

April 10, 2019
More than 250 people attended the 13th international conference on community-based adaptation to climate change (CBA13) in Addis Ababa […]

Forging partnerships for early warning early action in Tuvalu

April 7, 2019
The challenges of reaching the ‘last mile’ and building the partnerships needed to address them […]

‘Iran is under water’

April 5, 2019
(This story is an IFRC press release issued on Wednesday.) As the flooding emergency in […]

‘Storm-hit Mozambique must rebuild for “tomorrow’s climate”’

March 28, 2019
(This story appeared first yesterday on the website of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. It has […]

IFRC: Climate change increasing hardship in Afghanistan where 10m people living with aftermath of extreme weather

March 28, 2019
(This story is a press release issued by the IFRC in Kabul, Kuala Lumpur and […]

Uganda Red Cross pioneers Y-Adapt in Africa

March 27, 2019
The Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) earlier this year became the first National Society in […]

IFRC Secretary General: Speed, quality and scale of response critical to preventing disease outbreaks in Mozambique

March 27, 2019
(This story is a press release issued by the IFRC in Beira, Nairobi and Geneva […]

New professorship will boost role of science in humanitarian mission to reduce climate risk

March 26, 2019
(A version of this story first appeared earlier today as a press release from the […]

Australian cyclones: ‘Know your weather, know your risk’

March 25, 2019
Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology said Saturday it had “mobilized its full national resources well in […]

Cyclone Idai in Mozambique: ‘The scale of this crisis is staggering’

March 23, 2019
(This story is a press release issued by the IFRC yesterday in Beira, Nairobi and Geneva. New […]

Red Cross deploys ERUs to Beira as Idai survivors arrive by sea

March 22, 2019
(This story is a press release issued by the IFRC yesterday in Beira, Nairobi and […]

Mozambique: ‘Many, many families have lost everything’

March 19, 2019
(This story is a press release issued earlier today by the IFRC jointly in Beira, […]

First aerial views: devastation in Beira after Cyclone Idai

March 18, 2019
(This story is a press release issued by the IFRC in Geneva and Nairobi earlier […]

IFRC releases humanitarian cash for Mozambique as Cyclone Idai makes landfall

March 14, 2019
The IFRC Thursday released US$ 344,000 in cash from its Disaster Relief Emergency Fund to […]

Emergency teams in Mozambique on alert as ‘dangerous and powerful’ Tropical Cyclone Idai bears down on coast

March 13, 2019
(This story is a press release issued by the IFRC in Nairobi and Geneva yesterday.) […]

Harnessing humour to address risk: Red Cross Red Crescent launches cartoon caption competition

March 6, 2019
The evidence is irrefutable: Humour can help improve communication, build relationships, enhance problem solving, and enable difficult […]

Report: Heat-related deaths and illness largely preventable

March 1, 2019
A new technical report on heatwaves believed to be the first of its kind commissioned […]

Indian Red Cross signs on dotted line for strengthened collaboration with met department on forecasts, extremes, resilience

February 27, 2019
The Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) and the Indian government’s Earth System Science Organization umbrella […]

‘Quite exceptional’ winter heatwave in UK sets new temperature records

February 27, 2019
The British Met Office today confirmed that new one-day temperature records for February and winter […]

‘From Iraq and Pakistan to the Caribbean, climate change is driving threats of new insecurity and violence, security analysts say’

February 21, 2019
(This story appeared first on Tuesday on the website of the Thomson Reuters Foundation; it […]

IFRC: Hundreds of thousands ‘worryingly exposed’ in Cox’s Bazar camps ahead of cyclone and monsoon seasons

February 19, 2019
(This story appeared first on the IFRC website yesterday. It has been edited here for […]

‘Early action protocol’ in place to protect Peru’s alpaca herders

February 14, 2019
The IFRC reported Tuesday that the first early-action protocol of the forecast-based component of its […]

CNN report on Red Cross help to Zimbabwe’s farmers facing ‘triple challenge’ of climate change, food security and HIV

February 14, 2019
A CNN International Edition report says a community-resilience programme run by a partnership of the […]

With South Pacific cyclone season underway, Red Cross societies prepared and ready

February 13, 2019
(This story is an IFRC press release issued earlier today in Suva, Kuala Lumpur and […]

Climate and disaster: PfR-supported seminar for East African journalists

February 12, 2019
Partners for Resilience agencies late last month hosted a week-long seminar for nearly 40 journalists […]

WMO: Past 22 years include 20 warmest on record

February 8, 2019
In what it describes as “a clear sign of continuing long-term climate change associated with […]

‘The world from which the humanitarian system emerged no longer exists’

February 8, 2019
This year’s Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships (HNPW) week in Geneva Wednesday heard calls from senior […]

Red Cross emergency teams watch for further flooding in N. Queensland

February 7, 2019
The Australian Red Cross yesterday said its emergency teams on the north coast of Queensland […]

Report highlights ‘alarming vulnerability’ of Himalayan region – even in optimistic climate scenarios

February 6, 2019
A landmark study released Monday that brought together 350 researchers and policy experts from more […]

Annual Report 2018

February 1, 2019
A year of progress for forecast-based financing. Find our multimedia report here.

Red Cross urges public to check on people during big freeze

February 1, 2019
(A version of this story appeared earlier today as an IFRC press release.) The IFRC is calling […]

IPCC starts work on impacts and adaptation for next global climate assessment

January 29, 2019
Scientists on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) who cover impacts, adaptation and vulnerability […]

First ever ICRC contribution to Security Council debate on climate

January 28, 2019
The ICRC’s Permanent Observer to the UN, Robert Mardini, Friday told an open Security Council […]

Influenza and extreme cold among ‘deadly risks’ combining against Mongolia’s children

January 24, 2019
(This story is an IFRC press release issued earlier today in Ulaanbaatar and Geneva.) An […]

Understanding the need for climate adaptation of small and medium enterprises in Kenya and Uganda

January 23, 2019
A summary of a 2018 study in eight urban areas of Kenya and Uganda on […]

‘Conflict and climate nexus’ unpacked at Nairobi high-level round table

January 18, 2019
The first of a 2019 series of high-level round tables on the interconnected vulnerabilities and […]

Anticipatory action tops list in UN blueprint for future humanitarian funding

January 18, 2019
The UN humanitarian chief, Mark Lowcock, has proposed expanding three approaches to funding to close […]

World Bank to put support for adaptation ‘on a par’ with mitigation for first time

January 16, 2019
Arguing that climate change “poses an acute and increasing threat to global development”, the World […]

Alpine regions see deaths amid ‘schneechaos’

January 14, 2019
Meteoalarm red alerts for dangerously heavy snowfall or avalanches were in force Monday for Alpine […]

National Societies across Asia Pacific and Mideast grapple with impacts of damaging seasonal-weather

January 10, 2019
The Red Cross Red Crescent across the Asia Pacific region and in the Middle East […]

‘The focus shall not be on cost but on economic and social benefits of adaptation and resilience’

January 8, 2019
The UN yesterday issued an official outcome document from the Marrakech Partnership round table on […]

Global humanitarian agencies list conflict, migration and climate among top priorities for 2019

January 7, 2019
Humanitarian agencies surveyed by the Thomson Reuters Foundation have said they are bracing for “a […]

‘Small numbers, tremendous change’

January 3, 2019
(This article appeared frst in the print edition of the latest Red Cross Red Crescent […]

World-first expert forum charts possible ways forward on killer heatwaves

January 2, 2019
Amid widespread scientific agreement that with climate change potentially lethal heatwaves are starting earlier and […]

Australian Red Cross again confronting ‘biggest killer’ among natural disasters

January 2, 2019
With the southern-hemisphere summer approaching its peak, the Australian Red Cross (ARC) is again warning […]

IFRC: Extreme weather intensifies ‘chronic forgotten crisis’ in North Korea

January 2, 2019
(A version of this story appeared first on the IFRC news site late last month) […]

Review of the Year 2018

December 19, 2018
A look back at our engagement with the climate-related humanitarian events of 2018 through the […]

Inter-agency effort to assist Tuvalu with early warning and action for drought

December 19, 2018
Drought is a tricky hazard to prepare for in the Pacific – a silent, slow-onset […]

New IFRC report addresses climate change as #1 threat-multiplier for displacement in Asia Pacific

December 18, 2018
An IFRC report launched last week at the ISDR-Asia Partnership Forum in Bangkok says migration […]

IFRC welcomes prospect of ‘new era of global climate action’

December 16, 2018
(This story is an IFRC press release issued earlier today.) The IFRC today welcomed the […]

‘A warming world raises “scary” prospects for poor food producers who face lower harvests and competition for land’

December 13, 2018
(This story appeared first on the website of the Thomson Reuters Foundation on Sunday.) In […]

Research: Heatwaves, droughts and floods among recent weather extremes linked to climate change

December 13, 2018
New research published on Monday, as the second week of UN climate talks in Poland […]

IFRC at COP resilience event: ‘We need to move away from debating value for money to value for people’

December 10, 2018
A round table alongside the climate talks in Poland today heard a wide range of […]

‘Follow the science,’ lead climate negotiator for LDCs tells Development and Climate Days closing event

December 9, 2018
The lead climate negotiator for the world’s least developed countries has called for action on […]

At D&C Days in Katowice, a recipe for eradicating world hunger

December 9, 2018
The role of cooks in advocating for the second Sustainable Development Goal – to wipe […]

Half a degree matters. Opening D&C Days plenary centres on IPCC special report on global temperature-rise scenarios

December 8, 2018
The two-day annual Development and Climate Days workshop opened this morning in Katowice alongside the United […]

At COP 24, PfR argues for ‘large-scale initiatives to transform whole landscapes, rural and urban, into safer and more prosperous places’

December 4, 2018
The Partners for Resilience alliance – in a joint statement today shortly after the annual […]

Climate-related training for trainers at IFRC Asia Pacific HQ

December 4, 2018
More than 20 participants from National Societies and IFRC offices across the Asia Pacific region […]

: Extreme heat damaging health and livelihoods and threatening to overwhelm hospitals worldwide

November 29, 2018
One of the world’s most widely respected medical journals, The Lancet, yesterday published research showing […]

IFRC releases humanitarian cash for Tamil Nadu after good preparedness averts ‘major disaster’ in cyclone

November 23, 2018
The IFRC today released nearly a third of a million dollars for humanitarian relief by […]

Y-Adapt in Guatemala: ‘dynamic, cool and perfect for young people’

November 22, 2018
Nearly 40 young volunteers from 15 branches of the Guatemala Red Cross (GRC) last week […]

Opinion: ‘Yes, climate change is a humanitarian issue’

November 22, 2018
(This opinion piece appeared first earlier today on the IRIN news site. It was timed […]

At Asia-Pacific and Mideast summit, Red Cross Red Crescent commits to leadership role for women

November 16, 2018
(The first part of this story, edited slightly here for length and time reference, appeared […]

UK universities and agencies launch SHEAR ‘catalyst projects’

November 16, 2018
Thirteen British universities and other agencies met in London on Tuesday to launch a series […]

UN: Sahel region one of the most vulnerable to climate change

November 14, 2018
The UN Special Adviser on the Sahel, Ibrahim Thiaw, Monday described Africa’s Sahel region as […]

Drought drives Afghans off their land in hundreds of thousands as IFRC issues emergency humanitarian cash grant

November 8, 2018
The IFRC last week issued an emergency grant of humanitarian cash of just over US$ […]

Resilience roadshow rolls into Kenyan capital

November 7, 2018
The Climate Resilience Roadshow initiative expanded its consultations to Africa last week with an event […]

Hands-on experience of ‘risk-free risk’ in climate adaptation for farming

November 2, 2018
The Climate Centre this week represented the IFRC at a workshop in Geneva aimed at […]

: do more to stop millions being left behind

October 31, 2018
(A version of this story appeared first as a press release earlier today on the […]

World leaders combine to catalyse climate adaptation

October 17, 2018
A new Global Commission on Adaptation has been formally launched at an event in The […]

Games integrated into technical training at 4th Pacific Islands Climate Outlook Forum

October 16, 2018
The 4th Pacific Islands Outlook Forum (PICOF) took place last week in Nadi, Fiji, bringing […]

Climate Centre publishes pioneering research that underpinned early years of forecast-based financing

October 12, 2018
A panel of international scientists specializing in various fields linked to climate risk gathered at […]

Climate: ‘Count on us as partners in the future’, Elhadj As Sy tells Geneva science-humanitarian dialogue

October 12, 2018
IFRC Secretary General Elhadj As Sy today told the historic ‘Climate Science and Humanitarian Dialogue’ […]

Climate change already making humanitarian work harder, less predictable, more complex, says IFRC, as scientists spell out dangers of overshooting 1.5°C

October 8, 2018
(This story is an IFRC press release issued earlier today in Geneva. Its month-long  #ForOurKids […]

Supported by PfR, Haiti Red Cross agrees climate measures with environment ministry

October 8, 2018
The Haitian Red Cross last Thursday signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of […]

In pictures: Rice and debts on the minds of typhoon survivors in the Philippines

September 28, 2018
(In these photo stories gathered by the IFRC's Rosemarie North local women talk about what keeps them […]

Germany pledges to intensify strategic cooperation with the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement on FbF

September 27, 2018
The German Red Cross yesterday welcomed at least 170 humanitarian, development and technical specialists to […]

Putting the ‘last mile’ first at Pacific forum on managing disaster-risk

September 27, 2018
Disaster managers from Pacific Red Cross National Societies this week held their annual forum in […]

Global partnership to use ‘frontier technology’ to predict and beat famine

September 26, 2018
The UN, the World Bank, the ICRC and the world’s leading technology firms Sunday convened […]

Registration opens for 2018 Development and Climate Days

September 24, 2018
(A version of this story appeared earlier today on the website of the International Institute […]

Technical workshop charts possible early actions for extreme rain on Ecuador-Peru coast

September 21, 2018
Experts from the governments of Ecuador and Peru, their specialist agencies, and the two Red […]

12 universities combine to launch ‘inventive response to East Africa’s rapidly changing risk-profile’

September 21, 2018
A groundbreaking short-course on disaster risk launched last week by a consortium of 12 African […]

Philippines: Homes and incomes top concerns after Typhoon Mangkhut

September 19, 2018
(This story is a press release issued by the IFRC earlier today jointly in Manila […]

Red Cross in maximum preparedness effort ahead of weekend of storm impacts

September 14, 2018
Red Cross staff and volunteers on opposite sides of the world were this weekend engaged […]

Guterres: World risks crossing point of no return on climate

September 13, 2018
UN Secretary-General António Guterres this week warned the world risks “missing the point where we […]

‘Uneven progress’ at Bangkok talks on future climate regime, says UN

September 10, 2018
A supplementary session of UN climate talks on a global rule-book for implementing the Paris […]

Finnish Red Cross study of Arctic disaster-management: from air-dropped survival kits to the ‘Snowbulance’

September 7, 2018
(This story appeared first earlier this week on the website of the Finnish Red Cross. […]

‘Combattre la dengue en s’amusant’*

September 5, 2018
At an after-dark street market in Saint-Denis, the administrative centre of Réunion, the French Red […]

Mapping, modelling, drones: understanding flood risk in the Niger capital

September 3, 2018
(This story is an unofficial translation of a report that appeared in French late last […]